Wednesday 3 November 2010

From kidulthood to Clueless.

From kidulthood to Clueless.
 The Teenagers in Kidulthood, are being represented as street wise, they are eating in a chicken and chip shop and hanging round on the street, they are wearing tracksuits and hats and they look like they are all part of a gang. They all look like really close friends because they are all standing together and in a mid shot. They are all standing there they look very annoyed they are frowning and in the chicken and chip shop he is doing a street a street gesture and he looks a bit annoyed. The colour is dull and dark and looks drained the atmosphere look okay and nice. The lighting is low key and just shows them and the boys seem happy in the first picture and in the second one there isn’t that much light and they look really annoyed.

The teenagers in clueless, are represented as rich girls going to school, they are walking round the school to and from lessons, they are wearing Prada clothes and heels and looks like they come from a wealthy back round, there body language is in the first picture looks very annoyed and in the second picture they look really happy and they like each other’s company, the colour is very bright and the atmosphere is bight and colorful, the lighting is bight and nice.